no music no poetry no prose no photographs [Danielle Collobert, Alix Cléo Roubaud, Agnès Rouzier] N°3

Liberté. Danielle Collobert découvrant 30 ans avant Taros le concept de «pâte». // diese Aneignung [Appropriation] ist keineswegs skandalös das die «Bewegung» si // von Dichtern der negativen Moderne sich in Raquel Ateliers in Malakoff trafen // Arme an den Körper geschmiegt Wangenknochen die hervortreten Schläfen li // 947 Fotografie von Denise Colombo 43,5 x 36 cm; Sammlung André S. Labarthe

no music no poetry no prose no photographs [Danielle Collobert, Alix Cléo Roubaud, Agnès Rouzier] N°2

wenn Schreiben & Fotografie miteinander verbunden sind dann durch die Zeit // Ist Mord (Meurtre) nicht der Bericht Colloberts über den Mord an ihrer Identität // vom 26.5.1943 über die Nummerierung der Sterbeurkunden der Konzentrats // Auflösung moralischer Werte gesellschaftlicher Heuchelei Falschaussagen Sadi // ist jetzt sinnlos ihr eigener Tod naht nicht mehr mit Literatur zu tun er ist die absolute // wären Berge außer daß die Luft darüber auch schwarz ist: schwarz wie Rauch di //

no music no poetry no prose no photographs [Danielle Collobert, Alix Cléo Roubaud, Agnès Rouzier] N° 1

taumelnd durch das schwindende Gedächtnis fallende Silben einer anderen Sp // Manuskript von Non, rien wird dem Mitarbeiter von Seghers/Laffont ins Auto ge // 2 s/w Fotografien aus dem TV montiert auf Papier, je 8,7 x 12,5 cm Epitaph // aber wie könnt ihr sicher sein daß das was gesagt wurde die Wahrheit ist & 24 juillet 1973 Ravello Hôtel Palumbo chambre 12 (Denis Roche La Disparition

Nathalie Quintane | – Danielle Collobert – Et la victime et le bourreau (lecture de Dire I et II).

  Ces lignes reviennent de loin – d’il y a longtemps, très longtemps, en un temps presque oublié et dont il ne reste rien, en un temps où de jeunes gens, coupables de n’avoir eu que quelques mois ou quelques années pendant la guerre (celle de 39), prenaient pour modèles les rares opposants au nazisme del a dite guerre, tentant à leur tour de susciter un combat et une résistance dignes de ce nom, en un temps où les collectifs d’intellectuels issus de la bourgeoisie se structuraient comme les Brigades de choc de la Coopérative agricole de Production n° 9…

dreaming of one thing [subversive chronicle]

  i said endurance has its limits people are made of flesh and bone / i spoke about the stalinists and the method of executing the very best as traitors / who died screaming long live the party! / sifis said / the statement is only the beginning. then they will ask who are your friends. / then where do they live.    katerina gogou   i believe at heart that one must not be an accomplice to lies and compromise, the contemporary artist must scream out their revolt and make understood that we live in an unbearable, cruel, and…

der traum von einer sache [subversive chronik]


riots and/or poetics [3/2020]

  Lisa Robertson | The Baudelaire Fractal I’d never had an idea for writing a novel before, though I’ve been curious about the form. I’m a poet who has always loved writing prose. Essay writing and the writing of verse have been overlapping and interchangeable activities, and the shape of the sentence has always been at the core of my writing practice. This Baudelaire idea was very funny to me, and it kept opening up more pathways of inquiry the more time I spent with it. It was a way to write a bildungsroman in the feminine; it opened questions of…

Danielle Collobert | It Then

      I met Danielle Collobert in a cafe on the boulevard Saint-Germain in March or April 1958, at which time she was not yet eighteen. We immediately spoke of the essentials: writing, death. Theses two things—or is it one single thing—seemed to occupy her exclusively and with such rigor that one felt from the outset she would proceed in this single and unique direction, that no one could divert her or deceive her as to its end. At most, out of love for her, one could hope, idiotically of course, that sooner or later she would lose track, that her…

Danielle Collobert; Notebooks

    1959 June At the Terminus — one night “First night of total release blended with looks with surface gestures — Seamless connections of knowledge, of near absolute understanding, faultless, of a smile, of a word. The schedule kicks in mid-flight, returning the rhythm of day and night, of a familiar convention opposed only by the desire not to — instant guilt at the margins of the normal, the reassuring — So I set off on a tangent, from an unbroken sleep, into the rain and lively gusting wind; and the words, and the unformed phrases slide into tight…

Reading Danielle Collobert

  John Taylor on Danielle Collobert Collobert (1940–78) is the author of five haunting books of prose and prose-like poetry which the Parisian publisher POL has just brought back from oblivion. It is both moving and fitting that Meurtre(Murder, 1964), Dire I (Say I, 1972), Dire II (Say II,1972), Il donc (It Then, 1976) and Survie (Survival, 1978) are now gathered under one cover, constituting the first volume of Collobert’s collected works, Oeuvres I. A second volume, Oeuvres II, comprising her journal, her several radio texts, and miscellaneous writings, will appear next year. This is no routine reissue. Pages by…